

Mwl. David Assa Milanzi Date Posted: November   29, 2023 1: The Most Beautiful Women -It takes holyspirit only to make a beautiful woman to be in a marriage. -They are on high demand -Many beautiful ladies are still single, and you keep wondering what is keeping them -They use their beauty as a capital for money making 2:. The Most Educated Women -A woman having a degree, masters, PhD to have to stay in a marriage, its the grace of God. -Their qualifications makes them independent. -Visit offices in the companies, most high ranked women and rich are single, divorced. 3: WOMEN FROM RICH FAMILIES -Women raised under rich families find it difficult to get married because they want same environment they grew up with it a marriage. -They want no on to advise them 4: The Most Anointed Women Of God - Most women with the calling of God have no husbands ,either divorced -No time to do house works -No time to care for their husbands -Their husbands can't advise them because they only listen

The First Miss Tanzania (Theresa Shayo)

Some call her The First Miss Tanzania...BUT that is not true...she was the last Miss Tanzania in 1967 when Miss Tanzania was not affiliated with Miss World....and she was the last one because after her era,Miss Tanzania was banned until 1994....reason being,it went against Tanzanian culture... The contest took place at The Kilimanjaro Hotel...and among 9 contestants, she won the title. Theresa Shayo passed away in 2007 in Munich Germany were she was living...and died of stomach cancer.

5 facts you didn’t know about the history of Tanzania

Mwl. David Assa Milanzi Date Posted: November   20, 2023 Tanzania has a long history, and perhaps the most history in East Africa.  From Arab traders to German missionaries, this East African country has undergone intense colonial rule and became independent not too long ago.  Tanzania also contains remnants of early human ancestors and hosts some of the most beautiful cultures in the world. In this blog, we’ll look at 5 facts that you probably didn’t know about the history of Tanzania.  The history of Tanzania: 5 facts you probably don't Know There is a lot more to the history of Tanzania than most people know. From the formation of the country to its current state. The history is diverse and complex, with a lot of different factors contributing to its formation and development. Here are five facts about the history of Tanzania that you probably don’t know: History of Tanzania Fact 1: Tanzania was a British military outpost during World War II During the 20 century , British force